At St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School Moorebank, all staff work collaboratively within their roles to achieve the best possible outcomes for our community.

Principal Christine Bitar-Claxton
Assistant Principal Lisa Kerry
Religious Education Coordinator Shannen O’Sullivan 
Instructional Specialist/Numeracy / Gifted and Talented / Data Estelle Robinson
Pedagogy/English  Adam Schulz
K-2 Curriumulum Adriana Hobson
Wellbeing Marie Cole 

K Blue Jasmine Abdennour
K Gold Dominique Goode
1 Blue Tiarna DeNobrega
1 Gold Adrianna Hobson
1 Red Melissa Grech
2 Blue Brooke Williams
2 Gold   Jessica Dearing (Term 1 & 2)
Michelle Lum (Term 3 & 4)
2 Red Marie Cole
3 Blue Sabrah Clarke
3 Gold Chelsea Grana
3 Red Georgia Corbett
4 Blue Rosemary Marco
4 Gold Natasha Estrada 
5 Blue Anika Loder
5 Gold Shannen O’Sullivan
6 Gold Sally Coughtrey
6 Blue Adam Schulz
PPT teachers Kathy Samuels (Music),
Rachel MacLeod (Visual arts)
Collaborative guided planning release teachers Nicole Purdon
Monica Swift
Tier 2 Foundational Phonics Meagan Smith
Diverse Learning Clelia Riegler
Diverse Learning Lisa Kerry
Gifted Estelle Robinson
EAL/D Teacher Samantha Butcher
Music Teacher Kathy Samuels
Art Teacher  Rachel MacLeod
Sports Administrator Shannen O’Sullivan
Learning Support Officer – (Library)  
Learning Support Officer Carol Michael
Learning Support Officer Marta Bartolic
Learning Support Officer Monique Gomez
Learning Support Officer Neryse Sylvestre
Office Sharon Pratt
Office Gaye Combey